Wednesday 7 April 2010

Up to my elbows in soup.

Chicken and carrot to be precise.
I love making soup and normally do so after I have had roast chicken.
I keep the carcass (which I have deliberately left some meat on) and make soup from it.
If i'm in the mood I will use split peas or lentils too to make it more substantial. But today it's pretty much chicken, carrots and onions, with green peppercorns, ginger and garlic to season. I'll probably put in a large handful of pearl barley too as I love the texture.
A good pan of soup normally keeps me going for lunches for about five days and it is very low calorie too.

This is a picture of somebody else's soup which I nicked off the interweb.


  1. I had it for my supper and It was REALLY delicious!
    So much so that I had seconds.

  2. That isn't the new, paler version of Tootsie that I see floating under the bits of onion and water weed is it, Poobah?

    I hope not, though I am impressed that it will keep you in lunches for five days. Mind you, does that include the content of the cheek pouches?
