Friday, 9 July 2010

A couple more Haikus

(Both for Tootsie)

Oh furry rodent
You lie in your wood shavings
Though Blogless no more!

Haiku very much
It's a a pleasure to be back
In the Blogosphere.


  1. Evenin', Poobah! Tootsie asked me to tell you how much she appreciated the haiku verse. I'd never previously suspected that she might be interested in poetry, but she'd obviously not been exposed to the right kind of material.

    She's now got shredded paper instead of wood shavings. This is preferable because it will hold the shape of a burrow much better. It's so distressing to see all your hard DIY efforts collapse into a crumpled heap.

  2. o darlingist poobah of the blogg
    you had a corgi pic but yor not a dogg
    those werkouts of yours ar werkin
    and you luk liek a hunk not a gherkin

  3. The good thing about shredded paper is that if you wee on it (by accident of course) it with form a lovely papier maché bed.
