Saturday 3 April 2010

Pink Loo brush

In response to Tootsies post 'My Humuns got a new loo brush'
Here is the Poobah version of the classic Max Bygraves masterwork...

You're a pink loobrush, I'm a blue loobrush
Have we met somewhere before?
You're a pink loobrush and I think loobrush
That we met by the toilet door.

Glad to meet loobrush, such a sweet loobrush
How you thrill me through and through
Dont be hard loobrush on a soft loobrush
'Cause I cant help loving you.

Every time I hear you whistle...... it makes my nylon bristle.......

You're a pink loobrush, I'm a blue loobrush
Did you get my memorandom?
I'll be true loobrush, just to you loobrush
When we clean Cathy's bog in tandem.


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... that's just so terrrrrible ... hahahahahahaha ...
    think I need a wee now ...

  2. Why has Tootsie gone so pale! ----->

  3. Yes, that's strange, isn't it? I was looking at her from Chichi's computer this morning and wondered if it was because Chichi has a Mac and I have a PC and they display differently. But, no, she's just as pale now I've got home!

  4. Maybe it's her new spring coat. Although it won't be as waterproof as a Mac (or virus free, or Windows free - which is much more important!)

  5. Actually, Herbert on my blog, who was white with pink eyes and grey ears, has now reverted to the same colour as Tootsie on here.

    Most wild critters revert to the natural form, given time.
