Wednesday, 17 March 2010


I've just visited Tootsie's Blog Here 

I wrote a poem in her comments, which I must say, I'm rather proud of, so i'll post it here...

Edward Monkton
He's a jerk!
He wears Lipstick
And a Skirt!

The other day
In Leicester Square
I saw Edward
Standing Bare!

His Skirt was gone
He looked all wrong
And then I saw
The too-tight thong!

That'll teach him to rip off my poetry style!


  1. Der poohbah
    i think yu is jelus. an that card with the pome on wos sent to my humun (whot is female) by anuther humun (whot i thort was male but i'm not shor cos for he had long hare in a poney tale and dus nitting with nitting neeeduls an all)a few yeers ago.
    wos it yu whot sent my valertines card?

  2. Poobah - have you shown this piece of poetry and art to Leonard? I'm sure he'd think it worthy of inclusion on Talent Free, you know.

  3. Toots, no it wasn't me.

    Cathy, how very dare you, calling me Talent Free and that!
